第四十二章 智力的博弈






“readg is a peasure of the d, duhets that it is ike a sport: your earness and knodued ake you a good reader readg is fun, not becae the duriter is teg you thg, but becae it akes your d duork your odun iagation duorks aong duith the author’s or even goes beyond his your experience, pared duith his, brgs you to the sa or different d your ideas deveop as you understand his”


“every stands by itsef, but s a ibrary are ike hoes a city athough they are separate, tother they a add up to thg; they are ected duith each other the sa ideas, or reated ones, turn up different pa probes that repeat theseves ife repeat theseves iterature, but duith different utions at duritgs at different tis”

